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Onlookers series

February 7, 2010

This series of paintings was exhibited at PPG Gallery in 2003. I had discovered photographs from World War Two documenting the North East African Campaign (now Somalia) in my mother in laws cabinet. I inserted myself into these images as an onlooker. These paintings were painted during the invasion of Iraq by American and British troops in 2003. The invasion was playing out on our TV screens as entertainment, and the paintings were a comment on the spectacularisation of war.

The Good Girls

February 7, 2010

This series of paintings follows on from an earlier work I did, where I created a website critiquing the use of the web to distribute images exploiting children. The photographs I used were of a doll with her hands in suggestive positions. What was interesting was how disgusted people were by the images even though the doll possessed no genitalia and was an ‘innocent’ object. The paintings furthered explored the sexualisation of childhood.